Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is Ky 2011-2012 deliberately low due to obsolete calculations?

Aug. 17, 2011

A report from the Institute for Truth in Accounting reports that Kentucky is one of the five "sinkhold states," based on the state's debt and each taxpayer's burden. According to the report, Kentucky needs more than $29 billion to pay the state's bill, which would require each taxpayer in the state to pay $23,800. The report is based on 2009 data. The institute explains the situation: "One of the reasons Kentucky is in this precarious financial position is state officials use of antiquated budgeting and accounting rules to determine true compensation costs."

Read more:

How come Kentucky's Govenor Beshear has allowed or acquiesed with re-hiring a non-merit state employee that retired to continue managing Kentucky's budget using antiquated budgeting and accounting rules to determin true compensation costs? If I were sent by my constitutuency to be a state's steward is making a budget and the entire office is not remotely up-to-date, I would have legislation written and explained to my party members to pass such legislation making sure Kentucky's budget office never fall victim to politics again. This information seems to suggest this could be deliberate; i.e., lowballing Ky budget figures. In fact, I might evern try to get an audit made of the Budget office!!!!

What's your thinking?

Bill Huff
319 Dixie Manor Ct
Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330-1923

1998-2011 recommended
solution to Ky. General Fund
$1.9 BILLION deficit:

CUT state tax expenditures $350 million
CUT corporate tax shleters $400 million
CUT $140 million of non-merit positions
from Executive,Legislative, Judicial
branches and downsize PVAs by
103 & Superintendents by 157
positions while COLLECT $300
million of motor vehicle

Has antiquated budget office lowballed
these figures? Could deficit be higher?
Man! That's all Ky needs is a Governor
using antiquated budget accounting &
budgeting rules to lowball deficit figure!!!